Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A New Start

I started this blog to document delicious and healthy recipes I've cooked. It was a great way to incorporate cooking into my life and refine my recipe following technique since I'm eager to start learning how to cook without recipes. But today I found a really great and inspiring website called: "Carrots 'n' Cake" in which the author documents her healthy food choices and lifestyle. As I read the posts, I thought to myself, I should totally write a blog like that. I would like to consolidate one place to document my meals, cooking, workouts, and attempts at living a healthy lifestyle. I found that writing a food/workout journal was educational and resourceful: I started to pay attention to my daily food choices and encourage me to workout more. With this new addition to my blog, I want to start photographing my meals and such since I recently bought a new Canon S95. I’m excited. I need routine, documentation and encouragement. This is definitely a step in the right direction. Cheers to health and writing!
*I still write in my yoga/spirituality blog, AnotherTreeWorld, too!

I came back from a week long trip to southern California. I tried to eat healthy, but since I was in Austria and Germany just a few weeks before, I wasn’t really sticking to my original strict health plan. It’s ok though, I’ll start today. Oh, I also stopped working out and practicing my yoga. Yesterday, I was just too tired to cook, exercise or practice yoga; I slept instead. I did however eat healthy meals I cooked myself.
  • For pre-breakfast I ate Ezekiel Raisin Bread with Earth Balance Butter. Both are great; Ezekiel bread is made from sprouted whole grains and no added sugars and Earth Balance Butter is 100% vegan.
  • When I got to work I ate my Healthy Greek Yogurt with Fruit and Almonds that I brought using strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries instead.
  • For lunch I brought some leftovers from the Kung Pao Tofu with Vegetables I made over the weekend with a slice of Ezekiel sesame bread.
  • For dinner Kris grabbed me a vegetarian sandwich from Jason’s Deli. Jason's Deli is probably the healthiest fast food choice out there. Their food has no High Fructose Corn Syrup, trans fat or MSG. They serve healthy, fresh and mostly organic food. Vegetarian friendly, too!
  • No workouts, but I'll start on Tuesday (today). I'm thinking of P90x strength training days with my personal yoga practice...

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